Monday 13 September 2010

70 to 5 in Google in 5 days for a Competitive Keyword!

Had to report back on this. I did the 7 day trial of EVO II - the best ranking software I've come across. And I decided to make the most of it during those 7 days to see if it was worth continuing with it after the trial was over. Well....

Before I put it into EVO, I couldn't find my site in the Google results at all!

When I first clicked go on the EVO I was absolutely mesmerized by it lol. Although you can go and do other stuff while it does all the backlinking etc for around 6 to 8 hours, I got a cup of tea and sat and watched it for the first 20 minutes - it's really impressive!

Then I took my son to see a movie while the EVO continued doing my work. :D

A couple of days later, I checked and my site was at number 70... Five days later my site was number 5 in Google (that was yesterday as I'm writing this - today I see it's number 4) for my main keyword (exact match - ie in quotes), and number 17 for the broad match (without quotes) out of  36,800,000 results!

(They suggest that you run your site through EVO II every four or five days until you get to the position you want. So this is not bad after just one go :) )

Here's the link if you'd like to try it: EVO II 7 Day Free Trial
(It's quite a long sales page so unless you want to read through it all or watch the video, just scroll right to the bottom to get your 7 day free trial)

Why is EVO II the best ranking software out there?
Here are the basics of what the EVO II does:

While you're getting on with something else, the EVO II ...

Creates and confirms E-mail accounts totally on autopilot...

Creates sites that you Own Forever, solving Captchas along the way...

Promotes your new linking sites and your money sites to Smoking Hot Web2.0 properties...

Provides a deluge of backlinks to your money sites on dozens of high page rank sites...

Strategically links all your new Web2.0 properties together...

Promotes money rss feed and new rss feeds created to the rss aggregators...

Promotes money site to the social bookmarking directories...

Promotes money video to video directories...

Creates a mash-up batch RSS feed and submits this to the rss aggregators...

Creates a mash-up batch RSS feed of all the new Site URL's and promotes this RSS feed...

Here's the link if you'd like to try it: EVO II 7 Day Free Trial
(It's quite a long sales page so unless you want to read through it all or watch the video, just scroll right to the bottom to get your 7 day free trial)
But is it Fair/ Legal?

This was my first concern when I read about this software - I thought it must be either illegal or at the very least, cheating, and surely Google would penalize my sites?

Here's the answer to this question from the people who created EVO II:

"Black Hat? Gray Hat? Au Contraire, my friend... The sites we use benefit from the power of EVO2 just as much as WE do! ..." (they give a case study example which you can read here)

"EVO2 is Flat Out Mutually beneficial to the sites we use and send traffic to. This is NOT a one-way street, and anyone who has a different idea is just NOT getting it. ... "

"(What the EVO does) ... is simply mimic the actions of a Real Human Being. That's IT.

It's NOT a "Spider", or a "Robot" persay...

Think of him as a SuperHero, like that dude from the hit movie "The Fantastic Four"... what was his name...


That's exactly what EVO2 looks like to the Search Engines... A Real Human.

Just a Lightning-Fast and Hyper-Efficient one.

A Hyperactive Super-Assistant, cranked up on caffeine... Never taking a break... Never demanding a raise... Never asking for a day off or holiday...

Just working their fingers to the bone from the moment YOU say go, 'til YOU say stop.

Think that's cheating? I don't. Not even a little bit."

"Consider this: Think Google would have grown into a multi BILLION dollar company (on YOUR back, no less) if they ranked every site by hand? If they looked at your site with their eyes and decided what ads to place on it?

No Freaking Way. They use Software to do the heavy lifting.

So Why Exactly Shouldn't YOU do the same?! "

Here's the link if you'd like to try it: 
Best Ranking Software -
EVO II 7 Day Free Trial
(It's quite a long sales page so unless you want to read through it all or watch the video, just scroll right to the bottom to get your 7 day free trial)